Yes, baking soda is a multi-purpose miracle product that works wonders around the household. It is a common ingredient used in baking cakes and cookies, and also a non-toxic cleaning agent. You can put an open box in the fridge to absorb food ordors. Best of all, it's price is not expensive at all.
One more way to use Baking Soda as meat tenderizor. Many times, people are afraid to use it with the meat. Actually it causes no harm to human consumption. Our FDA approved using Baking Soda to be marinated with meat in the whole country.
高人:呢合嘢係好多烘焙店都有出售㗎,用嚟焗蛋糕,一定有人用嘅,唔駛驚播,“I Love Cake" 都有得賣,好似$15元一盒...........
Yes, baking soda is a multi-purpose miracle product that works wonders around the household. It is a common ingredient used in baking cakes and cookies, and also a non-toxic cleaning agent. You can put an open box in the fridge to absorb food ordors. Best of all, it's price is not expensive at all.
回覆刪除Hello, Buddy,Fatty,
回覆刪除One more way to use Baking Soda as meat tenderizor. Many times, people are afraid to use it with the meat. Actually it causes no harm to human consumption. Our FDA approved using Baking Soda to be marinated with meat in the whole country.
Good evening in L.A.
Old Man
Arthur Yu
哇哇哇哇哇 我一定一定唔會食呀 我一睇就感到好得人驚呀喂 我整蛋糕 我一定唔會落泡打粉架 更何況梳打粉 加上呢盒野古靈精怪咁 哇哇 好恐怖呀 咪講笑 哈哈哈哈
回覆刪除哇哇哇 因為我唔會用呢d粉 所以見到都冇留意佢d文字 唔係呀 仲可以用嚟醫胃病 哈哈哈哈 唉我真係唔識貨啦
回覆刪除Yes, it is not expensive.
回覆刪除I also use 鬆肉粉,actually it is sodium bicarbonate. May be I should try it in my next cooking!
回覆刪除依 係喎 你講下又係喎 梳打餅 嘻嘻 唔怪得我呀婆婆以前食咁多梳打餅啦 唔講我都唔記起啊 嘻嘻
回覆刪除我都有用呢隻梳打粉架 , 我喺百佳惠康買 , 以前買開九個幾一盒 , 而家就加到十一個幾一盒 , 仲係全英文嘅 , 用梳打粉加白醋去油漬去污漬好得 , 過年大掃除都係用佢 , 我而家先知可以用黎醫胃病呢 !