2012年12月6日 星期四

譚公道食肆 Tam Kung Road Eating Places



倫記車仔麵 (24小時營業)
榮豐粥麵茶餐廳 (24小時通宵營業)
合隆牛什專家 (馳名牛什、原汁大腩、新鮮草肚、孖筋金肚)




3 則留言:

  1. Buddy, Faty,

    They revive me the good old days when I was in HK. Before the 1997, a lot of HK peple immigrated to U.S. & Canda. My brother & sister immigrated to Toronto.

    When my brother in law was found with Prostate Gland Cancer, but Toronota had to put him on the waiting list.
    However, when I was confirmed to have Prostate Gland Cance, my American doctors started all the treatment programs right the way.
    Buddy, because of my hearing problwm, I did not fight the Vietman War for the American Government, but they treated me right the way. In 2005, I returned to HK & express my wish to die in this "Land for the Brave." Please look at all those old men & women picking up carboard boxes in HK to earn little income.The rooms they lived are so tiny.

    Therefore I hate to talk with with seniors here, who receieve our government benefit, but their mouth "Bad Mouth" our U.S. Government. "Go Home" don't stay here any more.

    Good evening in

  2. Hong Kong is too crowded and this created tension in every aspect of living.
